
In Collaboration with state legislators, tax assistance programs, and news stations, CalCPA provides the tax expertise of our members to communities in need.  Additional information is provided on the three ways in which you can get involved as a tax volunteer.
Become a Tax Volunteer.

Legislative Events

Legislators often host tax preparation workshops as a service to their constituency.  During tax season we collaborate with Assembly member's state wide to provide one on one tax assistance and financial guidance to their communities.

Tax Sites

VITA and Tax-Aide are volunteer run organizations that provide free, tax assistance and preparation all over the state to taxpayers who qualify.  Groups primarily serviced are low to moderate income, elderly, and non English speaking individuals.  CalCPA has partnered with these organizations to lend member expertise to various sites across the state.  

Tax Call-In

Local television and radio stations provide their audiences with an opportunity to call in and receive free advise from financial professionals. CalCPA member volunteers participate in these call-ins, which typically last between 1-2 hours and are primarily held during tax season.  These opportunities are a great way to gain visibility, especially since many are televised.

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