100% Member Schools
California colleges and universities that have partnered with CalCPA
College and University Partnerships
Making a difference … together.
For California colleges and universities, we’ve got your back when it comes to shaping the future! We’re rolling out our 100% Member School Program and we want you on board. This initiative is key to boosting the value and integrity of the CPA profession. Schools just need to commit to promoting CalCPA’s free membership to all eligible students on campus.
Why join? Well, we believe in strength in numbers. The more schools that jump on board, the louder our voice becomes. Together, we can better represent the CPA profession to lawmakers, educators and the public.
Results & impact
Currently, 10 schools are engaged in our 100% Member School Program, igniting a transformative ripple effect. These campuses have experienced an astounding fivefold surge in CalCPA programming and participation. But the impact doesn’t stop there. Our 100% program is a pillar of support for accounting students, granting nearly $100,000 in scholarships since its inception. From the classroom to their professional journey, we’re molding the future of accounting, one student at a time.
School benefits include:
Listing in CalCPA publications and website in recognition of its 100% member school status
Orientation for incoming freshman and transfer accounting students every fall (if applicable for the spring as well)
Mock CPA exam simulation once a semester offered by CalCPA in conjunction with Surgent CPA Review
Dedicated scholarship donations from CalCPA to the school's accounting department to be awarded as determined by the department
Involvement in CalCPA’s “From Community College to CPA” program with reserved speaking slots for the events
Coordinated outreach with CalCPA to undeclared majors on campus
Dedicated CalCPA chapter firm tours and visits for students
Career/accounting/industry workshops (forensic accounting, tax updates, interviewing, LinkedIn profiles, business etiquette)
New graduate boot camp covering topics such as what to expect your first year working, budgeting, investing, career development
Complimentary advertising opportunities for graduate accounting programs ($4,000 value).
CalCPA is proud to recognize the following institutions as 100% Membership Schools:
For more information about the 100% member school program, contact senior program manager, David Lo.