CPA Exam Preparation Courses
Discounted and free resources for CalCPA members

Prep courses
With our innovative SmartAdaptTM technology, exceptional content coverage, and personalized support, you'll have everything you need to study for the CPA Exam more effectively. Gleim has been the leader in accounting exam prep for over 45 years, and in that time, we've helped accountants pass over 1 million CPA exams. The largest test bank on the market, over 100 hours of videos, our Access Until You Pass® Guarantee, and the other signature features of Gleim CPA Review will prepare you better than anything else.
Click here to receive your 20% CalCPA discount on the Gleim CPA Review!
Universal CPA Review
Tired of studying for the CPA Exam with a traditional, text-heavy format? Universal CPA Review’s visual learning approach has one mission, to help you understand “the why”. You can’t memorize your way through your CPA Exam materials, you need to understand the logic behind the concepts. With animated video lectures and visual ebooks, Universal CPA Review is the only CPA review course that is truly designed for visual learners. But Universal CPA doesn’t stop there. Universal CPA Review is also the only CPA review course to offer side-by-side video explanations for every multiple-choice practice question and task-based simulation. Use discount code CALCPA to receive 50% off all Universal CPA Review course products.
Click here to learn more.