Excel Power User Series

Excel Power User
Strong Excel skills can be critical for your success. Join Jeff Lenning, CPA, CITP, as he leads you through these newly updated versions of these popular Excel courses.

Note: These sessions are presented with Excel for Windows. Items covered may not be available in Excel for Mac. 
Excel Power User Module 1: Fundamental Features
Cover the fundamental features that help build a solid foundation. Continue to integrate these features as we proceed throughout the series.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques
Cover fundamental functions, concepts and techniques that provide a firm foundation for our workbooks. Continue to integrate these items as we proceed throughout the series.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions
Explore six important Excel functions that enable us to automate a variety of tasks, as well as continue to integrate these functions as we proceed throughout the series.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists
Examine functions that help us trap and handle errors and discuss efficient methods to perform list comparisons. Continue to integrate these features as we proceed throughout the series.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 5: Date and Text Functions
Explore functions that operate on—and return—date values and text strings. You'll continue to integrate these features as we proceed throughout the series.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques
Apply numerous features and functions examined in previous sessions in a variety of time-savings techniques. Continue to integrate these features as we proceed throughout the series.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables
This session introduces the PivotTable feature and covers the basics. Learn the four report layout areas, rows, columns, values and filters. Then you will learn how to update PivotTable reports and ensure that any new transactions appended to the data source are included in the report. You will explore how to create monthly columns and how to properly format the values in a PivotTable.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports
This session begins by comparing the formula-based reports we built previously to PivotTables. Dig into the details between these two report types so you are comfortable with applying them to specific workbooks. Create two versions of many reports, one version with formulas and the other with PivotTables so you become comfortable replacing formula-based reports with PivotTables when appropriate.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data
This session concludes the PivotTable discussion by examining various ways to present report values; discussing the subtly of properly sorting a recurring-use PivotTable; and covering numerous filtering options, including slicers. Next you'll explore the look-up function designed specifically to retrieve values from PivotTables. The session concludes by transitioning to data acquisition techniques, and you'll retrieve data from perhaps the largest external data source of all—the Internet.
Online Self-Study

Excel Power User Module 10: Getting, Preparing, and Summarizing Data
This session continues the discussion about external data and digs into the details for retrieving data from other sources. Pull data from an Access database using Microsoft Query; learn how to retrieve data from simple text files; and prepare data for use with Excel. This session concludes by examining several data visualization tools in Excel, including PivotCharts.
Online Self-Study

Jeff Lenning, CPA, CITP
Jeff Lenning, CPA, CITP is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and trainer. He has shown thousands of CPAs and accounting professionals across the country how to use Excel to streamline their work and become more efficient.

Experience why so many CPAs turn to Jeff Lenning to provide the critical tools needed to be successful in using Excel quickly and effectively.